The effective cutting conditions can be obtained the best combination to reduce processing costs and maximize productivity
Obviously, (for a predetermined tool), the choice of the cutting conditions to determine the processing time and the productivity level (unit time, the number of working steps).
With the improvement of the cutting conditions, the processing time is shortened. This means that to achieve higher productivity, because the number of unit time step. However, if the cutting conditions set too high, productivity but will decrease due to waste too much time in maintenance tool (replacement of worn cutting edge and maintenance of spare parts), thus increasing the downtime.abrasive wheel
If the cutting conditions improve, the processing costs for each work step will drop, since the processing time is shorter. Meanwhile, the cost of each step tool will increase due to shortened tool life, in fact, will require more cutting edge.abrasive manufacture
The higher the cutting conditions mean that the higher the cost of each step tool, but this increase is to compensate for lower processing cost of each step. These all add up to (= the total cost of processing), to minimize the total cost of processing the cutting condition combination.